Bethlehem Bible College means the “House of Bread” to feed the people spiritually and physically. To develop Christians and Christian education service and to provide knowledge of the bread of life, Jesus Christ to the world (Philippians 3:10). Bethlehem Bible College was founded in 1987 for the purpose of teaching and training anyone and all who through the Trinity will receive the word through Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior. This includes church members, teachers, and pastors, to be effective in their biblical work for Christian service in leading and saving souls to Christ
God is the infinite existence in the Trinity, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Bible is God’s divine word inspired by the Holy Spirit for Christian life with no errors (Colossians 3: 16). We believe that man sin and God sent His Only Son Jesus to save man. We believe in the virgin birth and death and resurrection, and He ascended to heaven, all which Jesus accomplished (Isaiah 40:8, Galatians 5:14). We believe Christian teaching and training will aid all Christians to grow in grace and be more effective in service.
Our expectation is that God would take us to deeper greater height in Jesus Christ as we prepare our hearts and minds for service in ‘5’ Fold Ministry to Him (Ephesians 4: 11 and 12). BBC’s goal is to be effective in our Christian service by biblically studying what God has set forth in his word (Mathew 11: 28).
To be a model for Christian Education in the world and the Body of Christ
To Prepare Christian Leaders in the Kingdom and the ‘5’ Fold Ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12)
Bethlehem Bible College Christian Education and Outreach Center seeks to provide an atmosphere conducive to reverent study and to the development of strong Christian character. As a Church of God institution, the philosophy is based upon the holy scripture.
The College believes that it shares responsibility for the intellectual, academic, social, moral and spiritual development of each student. Stealing, cheating, lying, use of tobacco, drinking of alcoholic beverages, use of illegal drugs, immorality, disrespect for school authorities, commission or conviction of a criminal offense will not be tolerated. “Forgiveness is Inevitable’’.
Be prompt in getting to class. It’s very important that you attend regularly in order to remain in Bethlehem Bible College and to receive all certificates and degrees of the program.
Bethlehem Bible College Christian Education and Outreach Center is dedicated to equipping ‘5’ Fold Ministry to share Christ’s message and serving others with love, compassion, and truth to make an impact for His Kingdom.
Monday to Thursday
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Morning Classes
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